Wowu® is an online creative and trendy shop!

Our goal and mission is to meet our customers expectation by delivering high quality and satisfactory products that solve real life problems. We sell trending products at insane discounted rates, you will surely WOW! browsing through our golden collection of products.

We found that almost 50% Of people who shop online often complain about quality and not finding value in the products they purchase. Wowu is here to fill in that gap with creative and quality products that help make your day to day activities easier and faster. 😊

We decide to build our a brand Wowu around creative and trendy products that surface from in depth creativity and research based inventions. We bring unique, interesting, high quality and problem solving products to your door step!

We thoroughly check every detail of each product before shipping, of cause wearing sanitary gloves and maintaining a good hygiene. Checklist includes but not limited to:

  • Ensuring all product are in brand new working condition.
  • Sound check.
  • Durability check
  • Efficiency and power check
  • Quality and satisfactory check etc…

We only ship out product that meets our own satisfaction. 

At Wowu, we care about every of our customers and are committed to providing professional and satisfying customer service. We are open minded and will listen to what you our customers say and always do what you love, we resolve issues within 24 hours of complaints to meet your satisfaction and happiness.

Atlas, We exist because of you “our dear customer” and we will continue to make sure to deliver a pleasant shopping experience on

If you find some interesting toys, or want to give us some advice, feel free to let us know through